The Dundubha (Sahasrapat) had a friend named Khagama. He possessed great spiritual powers. Whatever he uttered never went futile. One day when Khagama was engaged in Agni-hotra(Fire-sacrifice), Sahasrapat made an animated snake of blades of grass. He tried to frighten Khagama with it. Khagama lost his consciousess immidiately. On recovering he cried out,’’Just as you have mocked me with a powerless snake, you yourself will turn into one.’’ Sahasrapat was thunderstruck. He pleaded,’’I just wanted to have some fun, dear friend. I had no intention of hurting you. Please forgive me and take back your words.’’ On seeing him so disturbed,Khagama said,’’I cannot take back my words. But take solace , for you will be delivered from the curse the moment you spot Ruru,Pramati’s son.’’ That moment had arrived. Ruru was right there in front of him. Sahasrapat left his snake body and attained his own form and original brightness. He told Ru...